Monday, May 26, 2008

My Sweet L.A.

“I have terminal cervical cancer. The doctor said it’s already in Stage 5.”

I was trying very hard not to let her hear me on the other side of the line. I was already sobbing. But my friend sounded so strong. She was trying to be brave.

I met her about a year ago. A petit, sweet natured Kadazan lady. I immediately liked her. We talked on that first day over lunch like two old friends. We came from the same East Malaysian state so I guess being far from home made us feel a kind of belonging with each other. She told me she had found a new faith, and it won’t be long until she takes the big step. We parted promising to keep in touch.

A few months after that she SMSed me, “Assalammualaikum, my sister. Saya selamat diislamkan on 30.7.07….”

We contacted each other on and off. The last time she called, she said she’s coming over to my house and she has very good news for me. She had found a nice man and they got married. I was so happy for her. When she came to my house she was already wearing a tudung.

I still can’t believe it. No. I do. But it’s really difficult when it’s someone you know so dearly. She has gone through so much, when her ex-husband left her and took her three children. She moved to Semenanjung to get away from the heartache and she found Allah. Actually she found Allah long ago when she decided that a prophet is not a God. Every time she prayed, she told me, she was praying to the One God. And Allah heard her.

Ya Allah, please keep her safe and give her strength.
Dear readers, please also pray for my friend.


Anonymous said...

I am going to perform my umrah on 25th July 2008. I will pray for your friend, Insyaallah.
Do you have her full name so that I can pray for her health and happiness in raudah?


Anonymous said...

MasyaAllah, thank you very much. May Allah bless you. I don't have her new name. She went by Lorita Abdullah.

Anonymous said...

Lorita Abdullah, insyallah I will pray for her....
I am a bit scared as this will be my first trip to umrah with my mom...takut jadi apa2..

But reading other people's blog and received emails from friends make me realise that other people has more unfortunate life than mine...sampai menangis baca (I cried when I see the condition of the children in Africa, Palestine)...Allah has surely given me a comfort life..

I will pray for her....

Anonymous said...

InsyaAllah, your trip will be the greatest you have ever experienced. Please keep in touch. Thank you very much again for your thoughtfulness and your doa. You are certainly a very kind-hearted person.