Thursday, May 29, 2008

29th May 1988

Today is my 20th wedding anniversary. At first I wanted to write something about my life with my beloved husband but I decided I wouldn't be able to do it justice. I will just mess it up. So I decided to put up this song which is our favorite love song.

Abang, thank you for being there for me always. You are my dearest love, my best friend, and companion. There is no one on earth who understands me like you do. Not one single person. I love you with all my heart and soul.

Happy Anniversary, Abang.


Umi Kalthum Ngah said...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

Happy Anniversary to you both!

Many happy returns...Insya Allah..Amin Ya Rabbul Alamin.


PS. Ours (beloved hubby and I) will be the 29th. this 1st of September, Insya time flies!)

Norlela Zubir said...


Selamat berbahagia buat pasangan Puan Maimun & Dr. Mazuki! Pejam-celik, pejam-celik, sudah 20 tahun berlalu.

Dr. Umi, best wishes to you too...

Ours (mine & my supir) will be on July 7th, the 24th, insyaAllah...

Anonymous said...

Dr Umi dan Kak Lela,
Thank you for the wishes. :)
Happy 29th Anniversary to Dr Umi and hubby!
Happy 24th Anniversary to Kak Lela and Hj Zainal!
Semoga Allah memelihara keluarga kita semua.

fendy_ahmad said...


Saya mendoakan yang terbaik segalanya buat pasangan ini, tahniah dan moga hidup sekeluarga dilimpahi rahmat dna rezeki berterusan daripadaNYA.

Kedua-dua mereka (Pn MS dan suami) pernah mencurah ilmu kepada saya, personaliti keduanya berbeza tetapi matlamatnya sama, saya adalah antara 'produk' ilmu mereka berdua.


Anonymous said...

Fendy, terima kasih di atas doa dan ucapan, dan juga coklat besar-besar yang saya terima. :)

Saya fikir ramai orang 'jeles' saya ada anak murid seperti Fendy ini.